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VW E-Golf Service Potential

The 2015-2019 Volkswagen E-Golf was a vehicle introduced in the U.S. to satisfy the state of California’s requirement for zero-emissions vehicles. Unlike many one-off electric vehicles from FCA, Ford and GM, the E-golf was offered nationwide. Only about 20,000 E-Golfs are on the roads, but the E-golf remains an excellent example of the EV service opportunities

The Importance of Maintaining Belt Tension

Maintaining proper belt tension can enhance fuel economy. Sponsored by The Group Training Academy.

Hankook Tire Adds to EV Tire Line

The iON evo and iON evo SUV are tailored for high-performance electric vehicles.

Audi Q Drivetrain Diagnostics

As the Quattro system has evolved, so have the controls for the front, rear and center differential systems.

BMW Adaptations

Let’s look at five common adaptations for late-model BMWs, and what you should know before you start a repair.

Audi E-Tron Brake Jobs

With these vehicles, the major aggravation for shops is brake noise.

Audi Quattro

The systems have evolved over the years, but the goal has remained the same: maximizing traction by sending power to all four wheels. Releases Its 2023 Top Picks For EVs

Searches for EVs on have grown 84% since 2022.

Mercedes-Benz Active Body Control (ABC) Suspension Tips

ABC suspension systems can be complicated to service if you do not have the right tools, training or knowledge.

VW Key Programming

What do you do if the keyless entry remote won’t unlock the doors, or if the key won’t start the vehicle?