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Tech Tip: Diagnosing Squeaking Leaf Springs on Silverados

During normal operation, certain vehicles may exhibit a squeaking noise that can be traced to the rear leaf springs. While this noise is an operating characteristic of leaf springs, the frequency and severity of this noise will be affected by the roads on which the vehicle is driven. The noise may be due to debris getting between the leaf springs.

Tech Tip: Dim Status Corrected in Dodge Stratus

Randy works the graveyard shift. Last Wednesday when he was leaving work, he noticed that the dome light in his 2001 Stratus Coupe failed to illuminate when he unlocked the car. Not happy with repeated fumblings in the dark, Randy called the shop to schedule a diagnosis. He was quite pleased when I made the follow-up call telling him his car was fixed with only a minor labor charge.

Tech Tip: Ready-to-Install Struts Save Time and Increase Profits

It should come as no shock that preassembled, ready-to-install struts have been a huge hit lately. The pros like them because they are much easier, faster and more profitable to install than ordinary struts. They don’t need a spring compressor to disassemble and reassemble the strut and they can get the customer back on the road much faster because of the time saved by not replacing the entire strut assembly.

Infiniti Tech Tip: Engine Cranks, but Won’t Start

If the owner of a 1997 Infiniti I30 complains of an engine that cranks over normally, but is difficult to start or will not start at all, follow the service procedure provided by Mitchell 1 in this tech tip.

Tech Tip: Subaru Cylinder Head Installation

The AERA (Engine Rebuilders Association) Technical Committee offers the following information regarding cylinder head installation for 2002-’05 Subaru 2.0L DOHC EJ20DT engines. This information is somewhat unique and should be referenced any time a cylinder head is re-installed.

Tech Tip: Understanding Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems

Are a good number of the vehicles on the road today equipped with underinflated tires? Look down at the tires on the car in front of you in traffic, and the answer may be obvious. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conducted an inspection of 6,240 vehicles within a 14-day period in August of 2001. They did this at service stations with the cooperation from motorists who stopped to refuel.