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Bosch Wins Lincoln Award for Performance Excellence

The Robert Bosch Corporation, Aftermarket Division has won the 2005 Lincoln Silver Award for Progress Towards Excellence. The award is given by the Lincoln Foundation for Performance Excellence.

Viewpoint: Quality not Price

During the AAPEX show in Las Vegas, I visited the lower level where many overseas companies were exhibiting aftermarket parts. In small 10’x10’ booths arranged by country, they displayed their wares in hopes of a buyer. The former underground parking structure of the Sands Hotel and Casino was filled with the two best things America

Nissan Suspension Repairs

Basic Safety Checks Benefit Both Your Shop and Your Customers

Shop Management: Using Words as Tools, not Weapons

Dealing with other people can be one of the seemingly most difficult things to do. With all the different personalities, at times it can seem nearly impossible. Mostly, I believe the problems arise from a communications breakdown. One person tries voice their view and the other tries to voice theirs right back.

Servicing Import ABS Systems

Import anti-lock brake systems (ABS) are pretty much the same as domestic ABS systems. In fact, the same OEM suppliers who make the ABS system components for import vehicle manufacturers also make them for domestic vehicle manufacturers. The differences that do exist are typically limited to calibration, diagnostic codes and procedures, and wiring. The ABS

Waste Not, Want Not

Generating waste is not too difficult for most automotive repair shops. Getting rid of it is what often poses a problem, especially when the waste in question is something that is as environmentally damaging as used automotive fluids. When it comes to disposing of hazardous waste, shop owners need to understand their state’s regulations, establish

Rotor Debate: Replace, Discard or Machine?

More often than not, many rotors today are being replaced when the brakes are relined – and some motorists are complaining that new rotors aren’t really necessary. Unless a rotor is worn down too far to be safely resurfaced or has cracks, deep grooves, severe rusting, hard spots or other structural defects, resurfacing can usually

Eyeball Estimates: Stop Using Percentages if You Cannot Show Your Work!

I have been seeing a lot of estimates recently that project how much “life” is left in the brake pads. This number is often expressed as a percentage. While I do realize that it is a number most customers might be able to understand, it is misleading and often inaccurate. The typical estimate says, “20

Friend or Foe? Evaluating China’s Impact on the Global Economy and Your Business

There’s a lot of talk these days about China and how its infrastructure is a growing market for U.S. auto parts. These facts* prove it: U.S. automotive suppliers exported $835 million in parts to the Chinese economic area in 2004; total parts exports to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan last year represent a 16.4% increase

Proper Rotor Service Prevents Comebacks

Anybody who works on brakes knows what brake rotors do. They provide a friction surface for the disc brake pads to rub against when the brakes are applied. The friction created by the pads rubbing against the rotor generates heat and brings the vehicle to a stop. Big rotors can obviously handle more heat than