Ride Control Archives - Import Car
Don’t Miss The April Digital Edition of ShopOwner

The April issue includes technical and management content and is free to download.

Now Available – March’s Digital Edition of ShopOwner

The March issue includes technical and management content and is free to download.

Paired Ride Control (VIDEO)

It’s always best to replace ride control parts in pairs. Sponsored by GSP North America.

Chassis – Ride Control Diagnostics From Tire Wear

Learning how to read the tire and communicate your findings is the key to ride control.

Nissan Suspension Restoration

The shock or strut controls how the energy in the spring is absorbed and compressed.

Nissan Altima Front Strut Replacement (VIDEO)

Follow along to learn how to properly remove and replace a strut assembly. This video is sponsored by PRT.

Toyota Camry Front Strut Replacement (Video)

Here are the installation procedures for a Toyota Camry to follow when installing complete strut. Sponsored by PRT.

Ride Control Estimator

Loaded or complete struts can be twice the price of a strut and upper mount.

Fixing A Steering-Pull Condition

If a customer comes to your shop with a steering-pull complaint, never jump to conclusions about what’s really wrong.

Being A Better Listener

Keep the questions as broad as possible. Make sure you take notes and put them on the repair order.

‘Selling’ Ride Control Repairs

A visual inspection of the shocks and struts can tell you a lot about the ride control units.

How Shocks And Struts Contribute To Ride Comfort

The valving in most replacement shocks is designed for the specific application.