Opinion Archives - Page 4 of 71 - Import Car
Business Owners Lie To Themselves At The Peril Of Their Shops

Your competition WANTS you to think you don’t need or can’t afford advertising. It’s a slippery slope.

Appetite For Training Obvious In Orlando

There’s no doubt – attendees were hungry for knowledge.

What is Training?

Training is the key to a successful shop.

Is there a used and new car bubble?

The main driver of prices has been the computer chip shortage.

Nostalgia Can Reignite Automotive Enthusiasm

Celebrate the great things that are going on and eventually you’ll be able to look back at the struggles and laugh. 

‘CARBAGE’ Options

There are two types of carbage. The first is called the ‘collector’ and the second is called a ‘dumpster’.

Should You Install Customer-Supplied Parts?

Here’s a few suggestions on how to handle these uncomfortable requests.

Is It Really That Bad?

It can be challenging keeping up with new technology. But, it has been this way for almost 100 years.

Lessons Learned By Being Back – The Last Word

After two years, our industry finally had its homecoming.

What’s Your Two-Year Plan?

Look at current trends and events to build a crystal ball you can control.

Helping To Make The Homecoming Easier For Veterans

Sometimes coming home is the hardest part – not only from an emotional standpoint but also on an economic level.

Replacement Parts Quality Is Better Than Ever – Fact

Despite what some people may believe, high-quality replacement parts are more common than ever.